
nitely knitterly progress


Every Girl

When my Gramma was young (and as she grew older), she crocheted alot of small borders in filet crochet. They were pretty simple, but with a hook so small you could barely see it. The thread must be smaller than sz 30.

In preparation for married life, her friends and sisters would then sew their own bed sheets, attach their pretty borders, and embroider the white cotton sheets with their married name initials.

A few years ago, I was pretty lucky to get an old used set of them, I just take them out for a look see once in a while, but that's it, they're too treasured to actually use.

While on vacation, in an antique store in Reijmyre, Sweden, I found someone elses embroidered pillow cases. I bought three of them, thinking, lacking sentimental value, I would actually use them!

It's Socktober. I can't find my 2s to finish the second Pomotomous (I bet I can find a million ways to spell it though). Need to go hunting for it, but in the mean time I started Chuck's Cabled Socks, by Eunny , on 1s, against her recommendation, just because. Or because I'm really a process knitter, and need to knit.

(Book group? Yeah, I haven't read a bookgroup book since what, April?)


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