
nitely knitterly progress


Greenwich Nice Time (plus one)

It's 1 am. Really, in my head. Fighting the urge to go to bed. I thought jetlag used to be worse going the OTHER way.


Icelandair is cheap. There's a reason why they're cheap. The TVs are terrible (I must be entertained) , when they're not flickering, the food is not too great, no ear plugs, no free booze. (I love Virgin. Love Love love.) But you do get to walk around and touch Icelandic wool sweaters in the duty-free shop when leaving the EU. It's worth it.


2000 miles of driving (erring on the low end), I drove maybe 30-40% of the time, and didn’t even finish the Four-Oh sweater. Didn’t even finish the front and back either. As a matter of fact, I barely knitted at all during the entire trip. It's pretty sad. Did start and almost finished (no thumb) one wrist warmer for my Gramma before we had to leave. It was made with some ArtFibers Kyoto I had brought with me that she loved! (Who doesn't love Kyoto??) She wanted to finish the second one so I left it with her. I think I took a picture, but out of the 1100 pictures or so we took, it's going to take awhile to dig out... Sweater progress below. I added 2 plain rows between each repeat.


Bought abit of yarn though. The sock yarn is from the yarn store in my Gramma's town. They did have some nice yarn! The white cotton is from my Gramma's stash, she just wanted to get rid of it, so I was the lucky recipient! It's definately enough for a whole sweater. 10-12 skeins or so. The Lovikka yarn is from a fancy artsy fartsy store in Lulea. Got two skeins for a friend of mine too. The red yarn is from a local spinnery in Morjarv. Very nice, and it's local, so I had to buy it! I am just disappointed I didn't have time to run around to the local spinneries.


Ate and drank enough for the next two weeks too.


Got a bunch of cool crafty projects not related to knitting, but that's for another day.

[ With too much work and too much craziness planning for the Sweden trip, I forgot to update on the sweater progress. It was all ripped out. After the first 6 inches I made the SO try it on. I had an inkling it may be alittle big. it was huge. Ripped it all out and made it 192 stitches instead of 236, now it fits. All the dishcloths were finished too.]